- The script centres on 35-year-old Juliette, a children’s book illustrator, who returns to her hometown to spend two weeks with her loved ones: a father with his head in the clouds; a sister who has better things to worry about between her …
- Haru, a struggling magazine editor, meets the painter Toru during research for one of her articles. Toru is autistic and straightforward in expressing his thoughts. Haru is drawn to his honesty, and a deep emotional bond forms between the two despite their different personalities. Director Rika KATSU sensitively portra…
- 《美好记忆》29岁的赤井佳惠(仲间由纪惠 饰)在昏迷两天后苏醒过来,从医生和警察的口中得知,她昏迷前曾和困扰他很久的男子倒在血泊中,真相出乎意料。《七岁之后》还有4天,一年级学生下平一海(铃木福 饰)就迎来了7岁生日。某天放学后,他意外看到了一个和自己一模一样的孩子。《家人(假)》单身45年的社长小野寺裕史(高桥克典 饰)回家…
- 风和日丽的一天,内裤大盗八宝斋(永井一郎 饰)洗劫风林馆高中女子更衣室,最终中了乱马(山口勝平 饰)的美人计,还遭到女生们的一通暴打。愤恨至际的八宝斋做出了神秘的春眠香,只要闻过此香整个冬天都不会醒来。八宝斋与乱马在家中进行攻防战,无意间却将香喷到小茜的身上。未过多久,小茜在课上沉沉睡去,却变成无人能够近身的睡梦武功高手…