搜索 Stahl

  • 故事讲述的是身怀神秘力量的少女Doris和同伴一起来到魔术学院,学习魔法来拯救被黑魔法诅咒的叔叔和婶婶。
  •   艾萨克.科诺特(尼克.斯塔尔饰)是纽约一家公共广播电台记者。8岁那年,他的父母因为车祸双亡,而他也因为那场车祸而半身不遂,只能靠轮椅行动。一天,他突然接到一个叫做“中国古代女孩”发来的奇怪消息,说一个身体健全的男人到市急救中心企图贿赂医生据掉他的腿。为了能挖到好新闻,艾萨克开始对这件事进行调查。在调查过程中,他还认识…
  • 剧情片生活
  • <p>  当马克思从伤病中恢复后,他做了一个夜间保安,他也开始经常能看到一个神秘的女子出现在商店的镜子中,是幻觉还是...于镜子入面,亡灵仍然「活着」,无时无刻等待着复仇的机会……<br/>  在一次车祸中丧失未婚妻的麦斯,为帮父亲而暂时于重开的五月天百货做夜间保安,自此他便常常看见「异像」。<br/>  …
  •   《燃烧的棕榈》是一个关于在一个历史遗留下来的从未被开发的5个地方,那里没有任何的禁忌,发生了充满颠覆性的故事。这是一个太阳永远照耀的神奇地方,而且每个人都非常的漂亮可爱。但是仔细一看,你会发现,事情并不像表面看到的那样。5个混乱的故事即 将发生···《燃烧的棕榈》采用了图画小说的框架,这部电影将在美国洛杉矶的五个很受欢…
  • <p>  20世纪50、60年代,亨利·韦斯特博士(威廉·麦鲍瑟 William Mapother 饰)创建了灵学实验室阿提克斯研究所,针对超能力、透视、读心术、隔空取物等边缘学科展开研究。虽然遭遇了无数的挫折与嘲笑,但是韦斯特博士仍坚持不懈朝着目标前进。1975年,他的实验室因某起骗局而被迫关闭,就在此时一个略显神经质的女人朱迪思·温斯黛德…
  •   Alone in Space is a high concept adventurous, warm and funny genre feature film that doesn't shy away from big questions about life and death. Alone in Space takes the audience on a ride with two kids lost in space, accompanied by a frie…
  • Jessica and her companions Markus and Mike visit an abandoned factory. But the lost place turns out not to be that lost. Natalia Orlow and her paramilitary army try to hide a bigger secret. And they will keep anybody from leaving the facility alive.The course of events turns out to follow one evil plan of one desperate…
  • David has lost his girlfriend and his mind. Capps Crossing is his only refuge. When six hikers make the mistake of choosing Capps Crossing to spend the weekend, David will stop at nothing to make sure they never come back.
  • After reading a magazine article about a case of multiple murders 50 years ago, an excited paranormal group sets out to investigate the site where the serial killers lived and where the horrifying crimes occurred. As day turns to night and evidence mounts, they encounter a situation far beyond their control and expecta…