- 夏天来了,经不住大雄(大原惠美 配音)的百般纠缠,哆啦A梦(水田山葵 配音)第一次同意带着小伙伴们来到南极,并建造了专属的南极乐园。 没想到这场消夏之旅,被偶然发现的金环打断,快乐的旅程就此中止,他们来到十万年前的南极。这一次,哆啦A梦面临生死考验,地球也面临全面冻结的危险。没有了哆啦A梦,小伙伴们只能团结一心,才能拯救地球…
- A carnal and intimate Film about a group of Berliners who are looking for new ways of Living, while playing with infamous Fantasies, Pain and Sexuality in a sunny and very experimental huge living room. Paola Calvo 导演在本片中用全新的手法展现了 BDSM 的世界,并携手舞蹈设计指导 Felix Ruckert 以及文化推广者 Mara Morgen 一同沉浸入这个「欲望的迷宫」,让其片中的人物自有发展,不加抑制。既不会…
- Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn are back at it in this global fashion competition series, where established designers from around the world compete to be the next great fashion brand. Each week, winning looks will be available to buy on Amazon in the Making the Cut store, and the last designer standing will receive one million…