- 2012年的一天,位于格陵兰附近的海克拉火山爆发,这次毁灭性的喷发炸断了冰川架,一块庞大的冰川借着惯性以极快的速度向美国袭来。居住在美国缅因州的气象学家比尔·哈特(Patrick Labyorteaux 饰)正载着儿子内尔森(Nick Afanasiev 饰)一起送女儿朱莉娅(Katie Wilson 饰)乘飞机前往纽约。在路上他从格陵兰科考队的朋友那里得知冰川炸裂的消…
- The film tells the story of a female veteran engaged in a mysterious but comfortable friendship with her wise-cracking (and dead) best friend from the Army. When the vet is summoned to the remote lake house of her estranged Vietnam vet grandfather, she is tasked with providing the one thing he refuses…help. Pic is bas…