- Basia: Three Short Stories is an extremely intimate and personal film about aging and passing, in which the title character prepares for the performance of her life.
- A film director seeks out his childhood friend who molested him when they were both children. He hesitantly agrees to meet and together they return to the repressed past in a brave and deeply unusual tale that breaks a terrible taboo. Director Anders Skovbjerg Jepsen tries to understand what really happened during the…
- Mega Stories presents the stories of non-binary people, people whose gender identity is outside the binary gender. Those who embraced and expressed with too much courage the experience of their gender, claiming its free expression.
- 120秒という短い時間の中で、日常のさまざまな感動があふれ出す瞬間を切り取る本作。長年連れ添った夫婦の結婚記念日や、少し世話焼きな姉と素直になれない妹、1人暮らしの娘とその姿を優しく見守る母の物語など、ありふれた日常の一場面が映し出される。