- 绿树成荫,夏雨淋漓,小学生阿全的暑假作业是要观察鸡蛋的孵化,而他的家庭似乎也面临着变化:在成长过程当中缺席的母亲才从监狱假释,又回头去找当初要她顶罪的男友, 令阿嬷与妈妈的争执越演越烈;爷爷则被诊断出阿兹海默症,阿嬷看似无微不至的照顾, 更像在掩饰什么不可告人的秘密。此时,爷爷的旧友来访,看似友善温和的他,却掀起了 一阵…
- In July 2010, the San Bernardino County authorities were faced with one of the most bizarre crime scenes they’d ever encountered. Alerted by a concerned friend, local police arrived at the victims’ home, and the murders they discovered sho…
- A suspicious taxi running on a dark road at night; An unidentified patient talking to Mi-sook who lives in a nursing home; A strange and creepy English tutor; A young girl seen in a warehouse... and the mysterious incidents that happen in the house while organizing the mother's belongings. Horror creep that can be felt…
- A phone call wakes me up early in the morning. My older brother got into trouble. Again. After another entanglement, I realize that I can no longer ignore the problems that follow him around, and which seem to be taking over my life. I use the camera to get answers from my family and a wall of silence melts away. Throu…