搜索 Strang

  • 恐怖片惊悚
    故事发生在1945年4月,吴家村坐落于湘西雪峰山的深处,这里人迹罕至,民风淳朴,生活平静而又祥和。然而,不知从什么时候起,村子里接连发生了种种令人匪夷所思的怪事,打破了一直以来笼罩着整个村庄的宁静氛围。\r\n  吴振堂(王小毅 饰)是吴家村的村民,某日,他发现自家蒸好的米饭竟然不翼而飞,紧接着,村中的衣服,腊肉等物品接连无故失…
  • 中国美术学院原创动漫作品
  • A writer, possessed by a terrifying story hunts for its secret heart in a mysterious landscape. He journeys into unknown, dreamlike places, haunted by the infamous Hum emitted from a strange factory.
  • On 14 January 2008 Jonny Benjamin went to Waterloo Bridge with the intention of taking his own life. A stranger who happened to be walking along the bridge that day stopped and managed to talk him down. Jonny was subsequently taken to hospital by police. He assumed he’d never see the stranger again.He never had the cha…
  • 剧情片奇幻
  • 乘客在夜间大巴有许多不同的故事——一些是恋人,有些黑暗的秘密,有些是想找人打架,别人只是想度过一晚。
  • Nova, a rising TV personality, after declaring that all handsome men in L.A. are gay, falls for a hunky stranger who is totally smitten with her - so she thinks. Her sexy stranger disappears without a trace. Her grief over unexplained deaths in her social circle is only made worse when we find that she is carrying the …
  • 『アップルシード』『攻殻機動隊』の士郎正宗が手がける手加減なしの濃厚エロス! 『W・TAILS CAT』映像化プロジェクトがスタート!画集 『W・TAILS CAT』 をベースにした完全オリジナルの3DCGアニメーション作品。主人公シリルや画集にも登場する 「ねこじゃらし会」 の面々が登場する近未来SF作品に仕上がっています。