搜索 Subramanya

  • Wedded together for fifty years, knowing each other inside out, Appadaasu and Buchchi Laxmi fill their retired days with raw quarrels and ripe loves. Emotional entanglements enslave them to each other to such an extent that they break bonds even with their own kith and kin. It is common for stray notes to sprout up whe…
  • Rishi(裡希)因為叔叔在警察局里当小职员,为了抓住海德拉巴任务的头目Kittu Bhai,他被派往Kittu Bhai女儿娃莎丽所就读的学校卧底做老师,而在此之前,他与班上的学生Vinamra(维德玛娜)早已互相爱慕。在两个女人之间,Rishi是是怎样在完成任务的同时守住爱情的呢?
  • Surya (Mahesh Babu) comes to Mumbai with a sole aim to become "Bhai" for the city. He starts his mission by recruiting rowdies for monthly salaries. He eyes Mumbai Police Commissioner's daughter Chitra (Kajal) and loves her. How did he become Bhai and turn out to a big Businessman
  • 萨伊尊者(赛巴巴)是印度至高的灵性大师,在全世界拥有很多信徒。然而,没人知道他的父母是谁,没人知晓他从何处来,他是什么人,他是哪位神的化身。萨伊尊者曾在少年时,在舍地的一棵尼姆树下修行,可过不久,有人看到他往树旁的地底走了下去,莫名消失了。时隔多年,萨伊尊者帮助一位商人找到他的爱马,并与商人同行去舍地,当萨伊尊者路过一…
  • 宾度和吉里士看起来是一对典型的印度中产阶级情侣,他们和宾度八个月大的女儿皮尼克住在一起。某一天,当宾度在上班中途回到家里时,发现女儿皮尼克和照顾她的女佣都不见踪影。在街头巷尾焦急寻找女儿的一天里,宾度发现,她要面对的不仅仅是女儿的失踪,还有全然陌生的环境和复杂的人情社会。影片以层次分明的人物、环环相扣的叙事和无法抵御的…