- A Paradoxical Presentation of Realism and Mysticism! Erksan's Sevmek Zamani expresses its story in a two-folded plane.First, a strict realism in the search for specific (but global at the same time) identity problem of Turkish people is investigated: Occident or Orient, the chaotic battle of these two different identit…
- 1 2020年伊始,苏莱曼尼以死在中外博得大名,而其实他早已声名显赫 2 这是2019年3月BBC给他制作的纪录片,描述其传奇一生 3 简单说,近20多年中东或伊斯兰各重大冲突,都脱不来他的身影,而且是扮演主角 4 和美国或友或敌,致力扩张什叶新月,插手之多,无人可及