搜索 Swift

  • Episode 1Joining Jools for the music show are Glasgow's favourite art school rockers Franz Ferdinand, with songs from their most recent album Tonight. British ska legends The Specials, who recently announced they are reforming to celebrate their 30th anniversary, perform a selection of their classic songs. American sin…
  • By the early 1970s, paramilitary terrorism resulted in the emboldening of different antifascist groups, including the Peronist Montoneros, the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), and the People’s Revolutionary Army (ERP). Violence between militants and popular parties inevitably increased. SWIFT documents the kidnapping …
  • 动作片
  • 在一种中世纪迷幻药作用下,一场大学party中的人们对性、毒品和摇滚乐有了全新认识。人人都想尝试所谓的"极度兴奋"迷幻药,但却没人能认真考虑过他所带来的副作用。 第一个遇害者是在1646年,很快教会在乡间发现了血被吸干的尸体,查找原因归咎为strigol,一种让遇害者对鲜血十分饥渴的练金药。毒药成分会在几小时内逐渐消失,不过在…
  • "TheWednesdayPlay"MadJack
    Play dealing with the life of British Army lieutenant Siegfried Sassoon, and his protests against the inhumanity of the First World War.
  • 在某座大都市的码头边,停靠着Caribbean Queen号豪华游轮。行李败在码头上,等待运送上船。就在此时,汤姆和杰瑞这对聒噪烦人的冤家又展开了无休无止的追逐战,他们你来我往,毫不停歇。而就在此时,汤姆的目光却被一只美丽优雅的小波斯猫所吸引。他停下奔跑的脚步,专注盯着不远处的美人儿,即使杰瑞用火烧他的脚也全然不知觉。少顷,波斯猫随…
  • 汤姆和杰瑞的故事风靡一时,自然他们的周边也相应得到生产与推广。曾几何时,一款猫和老鼠的卡通玩具装正式发售,里面有我们熟悉的汤姆和杰瑞,还有许多以供玩耍的小道具。比如拿出杰瑞和西瓜模型,让老鼠在吃西瓜时得意忘形,戏耍汤姆,稍后再让汤姆展开反攻。大猫利用体型优势将杰瑞耍的团团转,更用嘴开炮猛轰对手。走投无路的小杰瑞找到一本…