- Showtime电视台正式宣布剧集《拉字至上:Q世代(The L Word: Generation Q)》获得续订,第三季一共10集,剧集运营依然由前两季的Marja-Lewis Ryan负责, 原作创始人Ilene Chaiken以及演员Jennifer Beals, Kate Moennig和Leisha Hailey将继续担任执行制作人。
- Batiste also took a spin in the spotlight to announce his collaboration with Heineman on American Symphony, a feature documentary about his path to creating the stage show of the same name that debuted at Carnegie Hall last fall. The film is said to be an intimate look at his creative process and an unprecedented look …
- 2010年9月11日,一年一度的伦敦BBC逍遥音乐节再次盛大闭幕,在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅,数万疯狂乐迷和BBC交响乐团以及指挥贝罗拉维克度过难忘之夜。俄罗斯中提琴新星瑞萨诺夫献上洛可可主题变奏曲的中提琴版,美国女高音弗莱明演唱多首歌剧中的爱情咏叹调。这场马拉松音乐会按照传统在《统治不列颠》、《威仪堂皇第一号》中结束。
- LONDON SYMPHONY is a brand new silent film - a city symphony - which offers a poetic journey through the city of London. It is an artistic snapshot of the city as it stands today, and a celebration of its culture and diversity.
- A “double bill” of two Russian operatic masterpieces. Legendary bass Evgeny Nesterenko stars in the title role of Aleko (1892), an early work of Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), written the composer was still a student at the Moscow Conser…
- A man murders his co-worker. He does not have anyone to turn to except for his older brother who he has been avoiding for a while. His brother comes, takes his crime and let him go as a free man. In an instant, fortunes of the two men switches. Eventually the older brother chooses to die in order to pay the crime. What…