搜索 Sze

  • 电影以公路片的形式,让观众跟随匈牙利裔波兰籍钢琴家皮奥特·安德索夫斯基,乘坐火车在波兹南、扎科帕内、华沙、布达佩斯游历,路线则是根据音乐会的举办日期来定。
  • A 12-year boy feels left out by his classmates because he has no interest in athletics. He finally discovers his calling when his parents take him to a magic show. Picked by the magician to be his helper during a trick he is drawn into the world of magic and wants to learn more. He becomes proficient in tricks and also…
  • 有着“尼罗河”绰号的传奇将军埃米尔·奥古斯塔·菲尔德夫在二战期间的华沙作为陆军总司令指挥部队转移,他还领导了其它一些组织,他积极反对战后苏联的侵略行为,后来被流放到西伯利亚……
  • In 1961, Stanislaw Rozewicz created the novella film "Birth Certificate" in cooperation with his brother, Taduesz Rozewicz as screenwriter. Such brother tandems are rare in the history of film but aside from family ties, Stanislaw (born in 1924) and Taduesz (born in 1921) were mutually bound by their love for…
  • An essay by Rafal Marszalek:Pills for Aurelia - Who needs a doctor?The average cinemagoer knows little about the filmmaker Stanislaw Lenartowicz. Born in 1921, he served in the Polish Home Army during World War II in the Vilnius District where he was arrested and sent to a Soviet forced-labour camp. After the war he st…
  • 高级文员郭静中,偕妻子陈美娟、妹妹嘉莉,乘搭渡轮往离岛渡假。同船而往者,有二十二名飞仔及九名飞女。彼等喜欢以飞车寻求刺激,无法无天,因而被人们称为「飞车党」;此次前往离岛,所有飞仔都各自带备一部电单车。「飞车党」之首叫尊尼,是个冷酷青年。其弟米高,有自大狂及虐待狂,且最爱闯祸捣乱,亦是「飞车党」之一员。米高在船上见到健…
  • The Forest” is a black and white experimental film. The action of the film takes place in two periods of time. An old man leads his son through a forest, and is simultaneously under his care confined to bed with a deadly illness.The film a…
  • 匈牙利电影制片厂出品的《绿宝石护身符》,由上译译制。影片根据菲利普·悉尼爵士生前日记中关于匈牙利人民抗击土耳其侵略军的记述改编的。事件和人物大多是真实的。影片生动地再现了匈牙利历史上著名的埃格尔要塞争夺战。一五三○年,土耳其奥斯曼帝国侵占匈牙利大部份国土,土耳其人独眼龙尤穆加克是个凶狠的家伙,他带领一帮匪徒到处烧杀抢掠…
  • 尼古拉咋·祟哥白尼尾(1473 蝇——1543)是膳波该兰盏伟大的维文学捍家焚。此沈片正是冤为菌了痉纪襄念哥帜白尼谊诞风生500瞅周年而舌拍摄的洗。雪是跃一部历史栈题材影答片头。暂哥蚜白尼捞的叔谗叔是塘一位刚地沽位时显操赫障的蓬主教内,他东从小就窖由叔腿叔抚鲤养篷长几大。哥白尼自匝小酷爱天文学。当时慕教会淫散布舶“地与球中增心轿说…
  • Two young men meet for casual sexual intercourse. The physical connection is undeniable. A moment changes everything and a decision needs to be made for this to become a real encounter and put an end to a history of emotional isolation.