- 还记得那四只可爱的天线宝宝么,他们又回来了!距离上一季《天线宝宝》(Teletubbies)的播出已经有14年之久,BBC日前宣布制作新版《天线宝宝》,新版天线宝宝于2015年11月9日在 BBC CBeebies 频道播出。更加有意思的是,为配合科技的进步,天线宝宝的形象也有了新的变化。原来腹部的老式电视机将被触摸屏取代,不过他们仍将保留头顶上的天线;…
- ENEMY AT THE DOOR was a British television series with a short life, but one that is long remembered. The groundbreaking 1978 series portrayed the fear and confusion felt by the Channel Islands during the Nazi occupation in WWII. Using archival footage and a 1940s cinematographic style, the drama utilizes both harsh re…