搜索 Tanikella

  • 动作片
    温卡哈·南奈度,幼年丧父、母亲改嫁,他和继父以及同母异父弟弟难以相处,愤而离家。儿时一身反骨,特别崇拜《复仇的火焰》里面的头号大恶棍贾巴尔·辛格,遂以此名号自居。长大后,他成为公德威都城的警察局局长,嫉恶如仇,除暴安良,威震四方。 希达帕,当地流氓头目,霸道蛮横,为非作歹,气焰嚣张,妄图将其魔爪伸向政治领域从而牟利。选…
  • 动作片悬疑
  • Wedded together for fifty years, knowing each other inside out, Appadaasu and Buchchi Laxmi fill their retired days with raw quarrels and ripe loves. Emotional entanglements enslave them to each other to such an extent that they break bonds even with their own kith and kin. It is common for stray notes to sprout up whe…
  • Wedded together for fifty years, knowing each other inside out, Appadaasu and Buchchi Laxmi fill their retired days with raw quarrels and ripe loves. Emotional entanglements enslave them to each other to such an extent that they break bonds even with their own kith and kin. It is common for stray notes to sprout up whe…
  • 女孩与女孩之间有永恒的友情,男孩与男孩之间亦存在永恒的友情,然而,一个女孩与一个男孩,他们之间是否也存有单纯的友情呢?他们的友情又是否能长存呢?Chandu和Siri,青梅竹马,两小无嫌猜,在外人看来是对情侣的两人,其实只是两个好朋友,他们分享着彼此的一切。然而,当他有了一个她,而她也有了另一个他时,两人之间的关系是否会改变;当…
  • 萨伊尊者(赛巴巴)是印度至高的灵性大师,在全世界拥有很多信徒。然而,没人知道他的父母是谁,没人知晓他从何处来,他是什么人,他是哪位神的化身。萨伊尊者曾在少年时,在舍地的一棵尼姆树下修行,可过不久,有人看到他往树旁的地底走了下去,莫名消失了。时隔多年,萨伊尊者帮助一位商人找到他的爱马,并与商人同行去舍地,当萨伊尊者路过一…
  • Raja is a small-time outlaw, whose daring antics land him the accidental job of designated bodyguard to Bhuvana. Bhuvana is being chased by an gang led by Shaka, who are after a map leading to a hidden diamond mine. Nicely shot, otherwise standard action fare - and interesting experience for anyone who's never heard th…