搜索 Tari

  • Michael Douglas, le fils prodige
    Not easy being his father’s son. Especially in Hollywood. Especially when his father was for more than 30 years one of the major figures of American cinema. Eldest son of the tremendous Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas took a long time to eme…
  • Astrakan 79
    1979. Flicking through pictures from a Soviet magazine, 15-year-old Martim dreams of building a new society. His radical communist parents send him to study at Astrakan for one year. In her new film, Catarina Mourão captures with tremendous precision the moment a middle-aged man passes his story on to his son, thus she…
  • 泰国剧剧情
  • 1583年,正是日本战国时代末期。陶瓷工源十郎打算烧些瓷器出售,他动员妻子宫木,妹妹阿滨和妹夫藤兵和他一起干。在他们用船运卖陶瓷途中,发现风险很大,宫木不得已带着孩子回乡,藤兵卫去参加羽柴的军队,阿滨去追赶丈夫途中,被一些士兵轮奸,最后沦为娼妓。源十郎则遇见一个美艳女子要买他的瓷器,他被她迷住,乐不思蜀,后被一行脚僧告知实…
  • 梦幻之地
  • 综艺真人秀
    Ini adalah reality show kompetisi Tari Jalanan yang diluncurkan bersama oleh Youku dan Canxing. Acara ini telah berhasil disiarkan selama empat tahun. Melalui "mentor yang ditambah dengan penari profesional". Reality show ini mengundang penari jalanan terkemuka dari seluruh dunia untuk berkumpul di Tiongkok. …
  • 电视剧科幻
  • Trigrad
    The story of a man going through an identity crisis, finding a new home in a mystically beautiful, feral landscape. The story, too, of a man who must break the curse set by his mother out of love for his father. Thirty years have passed when Črt returns to his birth village, Trigrad, upon his father's death, to sell th…
  • 剧情片剧情
    祖辈相传的民俗作家一色正和(堺雅人 饰)与仰慕他的青年编辑亚纪子(高畑充希 饰)结为夫妇,新婚燕尔,夫妇俩亲昵无间,携手返回一色的出生地镰仓。回到镰仓不久,单纯的亚纪子就被眼前走过的河童小人吓了一跳。原来镰仓自古是妖气很重的一座城市,妖怪、幽灵毫无忌惮,随意现身;而当地人也见怪不怪,与异类和平相处,分外融洽。开朗的亚纪子…
  • 仍在我心