搜索 Tarô

  • 物語の中心人物となるのは、大企業の経営者を祖父に持つタケシ(柳楽)と、競走馬を盗んだ罪で逮捕されたモンゴル人の男アムラ(バルジンヤム)。果てしなく広がるモンゴルの空の下、言葉も通じず、価値観も異なる2人のユーモラスな旅が描き出されていく。
  • 一个十二岁的存在主义者小孩准备离家出走,去见他最喜欢的哲学家阿尔伯特·加缪,然然而他却不知道加缪已经去世五十年了。 在路上,他第一次体会到了爱情和拒绝的滋味。
  • Women will go to extreme lengths for those they love and single mother Samantha Rogers is no exception. Along with her young daughter, Milla, Sam struggles to make ends meet, taking her licks as a stunt double by day and cocktail waitressing at a rowdy bar at night.When Sam uses her skills to end a bar fight between tw…
  • Berlin International Film FestivalYear Result Award Category/Recipient(s)1960 Nominated Golden Berlin BearLeopoldo Torre NilssonThis routine drama set in Argentina during the 1930s draws parallels between a family patriarch and a political despot who stoops to any corrupt means to increase his power and wealth. The par…
  • 影片描写小伙子拉吉.沙尔玛从18岁到30岁的爱情经历。在他人生的不同阶段他遇到了三位姑娘:来自旁遮普小城的姑娘玛希,在孟买的来自城市兰契的模特拉希卡和从澳大利亚来的NRI出租车驾驶员加雅莉。影片是关于男孩面对一个另一个的爱情,最后找到自己的真爱的故事。
  • Judy Haussman, an elderly hippy, deals with the dysfunctionality of her family, including her children, Nick and Libby, and the baggage they have in tow.
  • 这是一部反映三角洲部队在反恐怖战役中的英勇表现,是反恐怖历史上最惨烈的一次战役!   杰克屯非得二兄弟是美国缉毒组织的优秀警员,杰克某次为救人质而开枪误伤绑匪,被控用枪不当,被迫离开警界。某日收到菲利寄自圣吉士的玩具包裹,竟然发现一卷菲利求救的录音带,于是杰克独自去寻找菲利的下落,没想到菲利被改造成一个执法杀人的工具的机械人…
  • Wealthy Argentine ranch owner, Don Pancho Morales, gets mysteriously murdered. His emotionally disturbed daughter, Elena, who was in love with him convinces her brother Orestes that her mother and the groundskeeper, Soriano, were responsible for the murder. Orestes is faced with the decision of avenging his father or b…
  • 剧情片
    “ Francesca è sola con una figlia e senza un soldo. Ma è bellissima. ”——From IMDB  女人的丈夫死于车祸,给她留下了一个小女孩和一大笔债务。为了挣钱,女人开始不择手段。影片描述了在金钱与尊严中周旋的人们。
  • 剧情片剧情
    警视厅里存在一支特殊的队伍,他们与罪犯对峙靠的不是枪支弹药或是火拼,也无需斗得你死我活,而主要是依靠嘴和强大的心理承受力,这只队伍简称为“SIT”,也就是我们所说的谈判专家。 和犯人通过沟通协商的形式,以最小的代价拯救人质、当事人,这是SIT们的主要职责。在这支以男性居多的队伍中,有一抹亮丽的身影,那就是踩着高跟鞋,雷厉风行…