- 澳大利亚版真人秀节目“幸存者” 第三季本季参加的选手根据其职业以及生涯中取得的成就分为两队:Champions v Contenders。Champions(冠军队)的选手为由各职业领域内(体育界、娱乐圈)的公众人物组成,包括多个体育世界冠军,以及Survivor USA历史上大名鼎鼎的villian--Russell。Contenders(挑战者队)的选手则为来自澳大利亚的素人…
- The Last Desperate Hours benefits immensely from two great leading performances; chiefly Antonio Sabato in the lead role. Sabato fits his character like a glove and comes across excellently as the detestable sleazebag at the centre of the film. He gets great backup from Pier Paolo Capponi as the lead cop on the case. T…