搜索 Teitelbaum

  • 安迪与一群高中时代的死党比尔、卡洛等,持续他们每周五的牌局,由於安迪宣布他要结婚的消息,引起比尔的反弹,比尔是一个爱辩的作家,对任何事情都有意见,对女人更是嗤之以鼻。这一天,安迪邀请他的女同事莉丝一起玩牌,比尔与莉丝展开一场唇枪舌剑,结束比尔反而喜欢上莉丝,并进而改变他固执的习性。
  • 1973, re-edited 1976, 29:02 min, color, soundA Tribute to John Cage is Paik's homage to avant-garde composer John Cage. A major figure in contemporary art and music, Cage was one of the primary influences on Paik's work, as well as his friend and frequent collaborator. In this multifaceted portrait, Paik creates a past…