搜索 Thaïs

  • Ton and Jack are two students who're infamous for making video clips in which they challenge and even insult superstitious beliefs. As their viral clips rack up more and more views, they get carried away and become reckless: their plan is to kidnap Tor, bring him into a cemetery as revenge. Ton and Jack carry out their…
  • UnapologeticwithAishaTyler
    Talk-show hosted by Aisha Tyler discussing topical female-centric issues as a complement to the "Dietland" series.
  • 韩国剧喜剧
    韩智恩(宋慧乔 饰)在父母逝世后视父母留下了“Full House”为自己的家,自己的珍宝。热爱写作的她在网上写作,没有固定职业的她只能在Full House里过着节衣缩食的生活。没想到的是单纯的智恩被幼时的好朋友虎成及女友陷害,卖掉了Full House并且拿走了她所有钱。而这间屋子正好卖给了大明星李英宰(Rain 饰)。李英宰本想买下这栋房子便向女友…
  • 普林西佩第一季
  • 欧美剧
    故事描述人们一生只有一次机会获得更好的生活和地位,但每个人都必须经历残酷(而且并不公平)的选拔过程——只有百分之三的候选人最终能获得成功。这些幸运儿在社会阶层中高人一等,而其他人将面对缺电、缺水、缺食物的可怕生活。制片人表示,人生活在社会中总是要经历各种各样的「选择」( 选拔)过程——无论你是否乐意——该剧就是要解读「…
  • Carla, a postal worker in Havana, fulfills her romantic longings by opening letters and rewriting them into passionate prose before sending them out again to their intended recipients. After her co-worker Cesar catches her, Carla turns her amorous talents on him. But the dictatorial new postmaster and her overexcited a…
  • Alice Júnior is trans, confident and ready to confront life. In the new school in the Brazilian province, she is first bullied and then admired. In her struggle for acceptance, her YouTube community is omnipresent, in the comments and emoj…
  • 在没有法律的罪恶之地,隐居的卡贝莱亚出发去寻找他枪手父亲的命运,并成为一个令人惧怕的刺客。
  • 欧美剧
  • 动作片
    A police chief hires an old friend, who is an international spy, to help him search for a wanted suspect in the Philippines. When the chief dies, all evidence points towards the spy, and he must go to extremes to defend himself.