- Adaptation du roman éponyme de Nicolas Mathieu paru aux éditions Actes Sud, Prix Goncourt 2018.
- 一伙全副武装的匪徒抢劫了银行保险箱,被警察追捕逃到足球场地下层与警方对峙。暴徒将所有的出入口锁住,并安装了定时炸弹以此要挟警方侍机逃跑。足球场内,七万多名狂热球迷群情汹涌,却不知脚下一颗定时炸弹已被启动,所有出口全被封闭,七万多条性命危在旦夕,随时可能灰飞烟灭。警长本德尔潜入体育场,单枪匹马与匪徒周旋。七万人命悬一线,…
- Two outlaws discover that they have been played and the only way to survive it is to rise above it all and dance.
- Dark age Britain where Queen Dagan is toppled by a revolution led by Humble Joan . The Queen becomes a fugitive in her own land, and must face hardship and danger as she embarks on a voyage to win back her throne.