- The dramatic, true story of C.S. Lewis' journey from committed atheist to reluctant believer begins with his turbulent childhood. After losing his mother to cancer and becoming estranged from his father, a young C.S. Lewis deems existence bleak and unfortunate. His tutelage under atheist William T. Kirkpatrick and his …
- 一对充满默契的灵魂伴侣,皇上与皇后用了十三年时间来酝酿而成的演唱会,「 The Magical TeeterTotter张敬轩●王菀之演唱会2017」成功地将商业与艺术元素结合。由皇上皇后曾合作的舞台剧「柯迪夫」歌曲「开笼雀」揭开序幕,除了有轩仔及Ivana多首耳熟能详的感性歌曲之外,由两位的好友黄伟文构思的一幕回转寿司极尽视听之娱,皇上皇后坐着寿司船…
- ゼンカイジャーの世界に、ワルモノの世界を作ろうともくろむ“スーパー悪者ワルド”が出現。さらに、「海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャー」のバスコ・タ・ジョロキア、「快盗戦隊ルパンレンジャーVS警察戦隊パトレンジャー」のザミーゴ・デルマ、「動物戦隊ジュウオウジャー」のバングレイら、シリーズの歴代怪人が次々と襲い来る。ゼンカイジャーはサポー…
- Comedy's "Bitter Buddha", Eddie Pepitone, is a ranting absurdist and a self-deprecating rage machine. His random non-sequiturs are a refreshing antidote to stand-up's standard observations.
- This rare film document of one of the towering figures of 20th-century American literature—photographed by Jack Hazan (Rude Boy, A Bigger Splash)—captures the iconic writer in several symbolic locations, including the Place de la Bastille.…
- 《Break the Silence: The Movie》是一部感性纪录片,讲述了韩国组合首次登上温布利球场举行演唱会演出到Billboard月冠,以及在全球巡回演唱会《LOVE YOURSELF: SPEAK YOURSELF》, 从洛杉矶、芝加哥、纽约、圣保罗、伦敦、巴黎、大阪等到首尔的大长征中,讲述防弹少年团成员们在舞台后的人性面貌和至今为止从未公开过的内心真实故事。在此次上…