- 巴尔扎克名著:历尽磨难的蒙里沃将军在一次舞会上偶遇朗热公爵夫人,为其美貌所动,疯狂地爱上她,然而德朗热夫人一直以丈夫为挡箭牌,拒绝蒙里沃的爱情。当她自己发现也深爱将军,并终于决心为将军献身时,却因误会再次与幸福失之交臂。于是公爵夫人躲进一家修道院,过起隐居生活。蒙里沃找遍天涯海角,欲知结局如何,影片为您讲述了一段千古不…
- Police commissioner Herville is found dead in a Chinese restaurant in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Gilou must break the news to Laure, who is being treated in a Police rehabilitation center. Now in charge of the unit, Gilou begins investigating with Ali, a young cop, fresh out of training. They quickly find themse…
- Police commissioner Herville is found dead in a Chinese restaurant in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Gilou must break the news to Laure, who is being treated in a Police rehabilitation center. Now in charge of the unit, Gilou begins investigating with Ali, a young cop, fresh out of training. They quickly find themse…