搜索 Tijn

  •   本和女友婷卡以及他们年幼的女儿辛迪住在荷兰的乡村。本在游乐场里与他人起了争执,醉酒开车回家时发生了车祸,女友不幸丧生,本也因此被捕入狱。当他出狱回到家时,婷卡的父亲拒绝让他见辛迪,而辛迪也因许久未见本而不能辨认出自己的爸爸。婷卡的姐姐黛比一直试图缓解父女俩尴尬的关系,本最终也如愿得到和女儿独处的机会,并悄悄带着女儿…
  •   《小特工蒂姆》讲述了蒂姆和家人在海边一个古老的旅馆里度假的故事。蒂姆在他新家里很难生活,直到他遇到了西蒙。西蒙1973年被冻住,现在醒来后却很难适应一切改变。作为一名曾经的间谍,西蒙需要去处理一个犯罪案子,蒂姆确定帮助西蒙一起开始这场冒险。
  • <p>  15岁男孩西格(Gijs Blom 饰)性格温顺,喜爱运动。 他刚入选校田径队,经过一个夏天的训练,将和小伙伴们一起参加全国比赛。马克(Ko Zandvliet 饰)是西格的接力队友,两人关系亲昵,玩耍和练习都在一起,慢慢生出暧昧的情绪。清澈湖水中,两个男孩情不自禁的接 吻, 好像发生了什么,又好像什么也没发生......<b…
  • 喜剧片
  • 喜剧片
    Six friends go to party for a week during the "Sneekweek". But they are haunted by a secret from their past.
  • 喜剧片生活
  • 科幻片冒险
    In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time travel makes Nova young again and she crash lands into 2025 as a twelve-year old. Nobody seems to take her and her mission se…
  • 战争片战争
    二战末,冬季的荷兰小城冰天雪地,战争让整个城市显得阴霾异常。小男孩米歇尔(马丁·拉克迈尔 Martijn Lakemeier 饰)和同伴跑去一架坠毁的飞机残骸附近玩,却被驻扎的德军抓住,还好米歇尔的市长父亲和德国人关系看起来不错,他很快便被父亲领回了家。本叔叔的到来让米歇尔兴奋不已,但是本叔叔却警告他千万不要卷入到战争中去。德克在临出发…
  • Laundry Man is the story about a rather clumsy serial killer. It is partly based on the crimes committed by American serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and those committed by the Belgian-Hungarian pastor Andras Pandy.
  • All year long there is an 'eternal line' of people waiting to visit the Anne Frank House in the Dutch city of Amsterdam. Who are they? Where are they from? And why are they here? This film watches the line through the course of the four seasons, in search of stories from all over the world. We see people both before an…