搜索 Tinka

  • Yeliz starts to see nightmares on the night of her 25th birthday. She sees bloody and dirty hidden secrets about her family. As she tries to escape from these nightmares she is approached by an old family friend who wants to help her. But the enemy is not from this world. Together they face the world of jinns beyond th…
  • Endres wants to be more than just a farmer's son. He wants to be able to read and write, wear clothes without holes and sleep in a proper bed. He goes to the court of the King, who is said to be the cleverest man in the land. Endres becomes his personal servant and every day after dinner brings him a mysterious golden …
  • 讲述了出生于三个年代的女人的故事。她们不仅因为血缘联系在一起,而且连对爱的态度也如出一辙。她们都迫切地渴望填补内心的空虚,以至于一时出卖道德和尊严也无所谓。电影的主角安琪是一个人气低迷的三线小明星,为了向母亲证明自己能出名,她不得不出演一部照本宣科的“真人秀”。她透过节目向观众展示自己的痛苦,观众们站在道德的制高点评判…
  • 'Bota'在阿尔巴尼亚语里的意思是“世界”。这部电影的故事聚焦在一个无法从世界中抹去的独立咖啡馆。故事围绕着一名罪犯Beni(又是一位女士的男人)和他的情妇Nora(也是咖啡馆的服务员)展开,电影以垃圾遍布炎热干燥的环境当做背景,一个饱满的故事就这样开始了...
  • Die Wonderwerker tells the story of Eugène Marais, a famous Afrikaans writer, poet and researcher. The story focuses on the few months he spends on the Van Rooyen's farm, where he falls in love with the 19-year-old Jane Brayshaw.
  • 剧情片恐怖
  • 《爱之变奏曲》是一部由卡迪尔· 巴尔西执导,比利时和土耳其联合拍摄的剧情片。这部电影讲述了土耳其三兄弟在伊斯坦布尔安葬完去世的父亲,回到比利时根特后遭遇的身份危机。电影于 2010 年 9 月 29 日在比利时国内上映,并入选了第 16 届伦敦土耳其电影节,主要反映了 三兄弟的生活状态:他们夹在两种文化之间,却没有归属。这部充斥着各种冲…