搜索 Tisha

  • 德西卡作品,此片秉承了意大利现实主义精髓,关注战后普通民生,剧情一波三折,演员演技精湛,镜头也十分讲究;一对相爱的小夫妻苦于无地可住,在遭遇家庭排挤、投奔朋友无解、租房无望后,急中生智,充分利用丈夫的手艺行当,意欲在一夜之间令“江山大改”,虽最后紧急关头屋顶尚留一方空白,但结尾处警察的高抬贵手,给本片留下温馨余味;片名…
  • 库根(克林特·伊斯特伍德 饰)是个亚历桑纳州的副警长,他为了追捕一个脱逃在外的杀手,因此千里迢迢前往纽约……库根具有猎人般的直觉,对于他想要追捕的猎物,不论是人或是动物,都甚少有失手的时候,但他也是个独来独往的怪人,这使得他常与其上司麦克警长常产生磨擦。一日,警长交给库根一个任务,引渡一个服用过多迷幻药、来自亚历桑纳州…
  • 丽塔生活记
    A frazzled working mother starts a garage band with her neighbor and a female postal worker.In "Rita Rocks," Nicole Sullivan stars as Rita Clemens, an overworked wife and mother in the middle of a full-blown identity crisis — which includes trying to maintain romance with her husband Jay (Richard Ruccolo), ju…
  • Bollywood Diaries is a tribute to passionate aspiring actors. It chronicles the journey of three unrelated souls, who dream to make it big in Bollywood. The plot encompasses a guy working at a call-center in Delhi, a middle-aged government servant from Bhilai and a prostitute from Sonagachi Kolkata. With their sheer pa…
  • 我的老婆和孩子
    ABC sitcom TV SeriesMichael Kyle longs for a traditional life, but his day-trader wife Janet, gangsta rap-worshipping son Michael Jr., and brooding daughters Claire and Kady make his dream just that ... a dream.
  • 势要称王
  • 泰国剧
    墨梅(苏查·玛娜英 Sushar Manaying 饰)是一个拥有神奇体质的女人,她不会变老,更不会死亡,如此生活已经2000年之久了,这让墨梅感到非常的疲惫,她想了很多方法来结束自己的生命,但都以失败告终了。墨梅有一个做算命师的朋友克拉挺(贡拉维·素昂吉本 Kornrawich Sungkibool 饰),他告诉墨梅,如果他能够在今年结束之前找到一生挚爱,那么…