搜索 Tjelta

  • 这是一部最真诚的芬兰心理戏剧(由书《在钟罩》改编,引起强烈的反响。本剧涉及到人物Helena Viita (Elena Leeve饰)),讲述一对离异作家的女儿。Helena的父母都是著名作家,她母亲是Aila Meriluoto(芬兰诗人和作家),父亲是Lauri Viita(芬兰诗人和作家)。 尽管Helena心中只存有模糊的童年记忆,她心中父亲的地位是很崇高的,相反,她怨恨母…
  • Christer (27) is on his way to work when a seagull shits on his shirt. Down in the Laundromat in the basement he suddenly remembers that all his rent money is in his shirt pocket. In an attempt to save the money, he takes out the main fuse of the building to stop the washing machine. When the superintendent puts the fu…
  • 好运之地
    The night before Christmas 1969, the gas flare at the Ocean Viking is lit. Phillips has found the largest sub sea oil basin in history. And everything is about to change.