搜索 Tobia

  • Tobias Totz is a very special zookeeper. He understands his animals perfectly and they all love him. His best friend is the lion, who dreams day and night of falling in love. As there are no lionesses in the zoo, on the spur of the moment, Tobias decides to fly to Africa and find a girlfriend for the lion. However, thi…
  • Frankfurt 1796. Der ebenso begabte wie schöne Dichter Friedrich Hölderlin kommt mit 26 Jahren nach Frankfurt, wo er eine Hauslehrerstelle bei der Bankiersfamilie Gontard antreten soll. Sein Freund und Förderer, der gleichaltrige Baron Isaa…
  • I just adore Alanis Morissette. She has proven time and time again how great of an artist she is. I actually saw her live in concert (first row seating), and got to experience her excellent work first hand. If you can't go see her in concert, then you should definitely check out this video. It is the next best thing to…
  • 12岁的男孩埃米尔和他的父亲生活在一起。由于父亲失业,家中生活困难,在埃米尔过生日的时候,父亲都舍不得买电影票带他去看电影。但是每次生日母亲给他寄的500马克父亲总会给他存好,如今,埃米尔已经有1500马克了。埃米尔在自己的作文里提到了父亲失业的事情,好心的老师告诉了埃米尔一个适合他爸爸工作的机会,经过面试,爸爸终于找到一份吸…
  • 宁静安稳的乡下小镇,纯真内向的男孩多莱(托拜厄斯·本特森 Tobias Bengtsson饰),在父母的介绍下,初识远方堂兄一个俊美帅气的男孩凯文(汤姆·劳弗特汝德 Tom Lofterud饰)。两人在日后的相处中,渐渐擦出了爱情的火花。而这段甜蜜青涩的初恋,到底能否拥有一个温暖完美的结局呢?由瑞典导演Håkon Liu执导的浪漫爱情同志短片《幸运蓝》,…
  • 这是一个关于一位守护雪的老妇人和不怕死的的孩子雅库伯的童话. 本片反应了人们对幸福、爱与理解的渴望, 以及克服困难和战胜死亡的努力, 同时批判了世间的贪婪和邪欲.
  • Shocking as it may be – this movie shows a unique viewpoint of a boy/ young man- the storyline is full with possible answers to the question – why Jürgen committed the horrible crimes portrayed in the movie.I can hardly believe that someo…
  • 影片讲述了歌剧《唐璜》(Don Giovanni)创作过程中发生的故事,中心人物并不是天才莫扎特,而是通常被忽视的词作家达彭特。达彭特的的人生就如歌剧中人物一样丰富多彩。犹太血统的他被迫改信基督教并接受牧师的训练,然而放荡不羁的他同情妇生了一个孩子。置谴责于不顾的达彭特又开了一家妓院,并因此被逐出威尼斯。来到维也纳之后,达彭特很快…
  • 恐怖片恐怖