搜索 Tonina

  • 通过与贵族艺术鉴赏家娜德则达·佛罗丝卡亚的关系,展现俄罗斯作曲家彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基的生活和工作。
  • 剧情片生活
    托尼娅(克里斯提娜·杨达 Krystyna Janda 饰)觉得,再也没有什么事情能比丈夫康斯坦丁(奥尔基尔德·鲁卡斯瑟维克茨 Olgierd Lukaszewicz 饰)的四处沾花惹草更糟糕的了,但很快托尼娅便明白,事实并不是如此。原来,在一次买醉消愁时,托尼娅酩酊大醉,醒来后的她发现自己被关进了监狱,而当局囚禁她的罪名不是别的,竟然是叛国。托尼娅始终…
  • Miguel Ángel García Mazziotti, a Río de la Plata's decadent showbiz gay figure, receives the visit of his daughter Virginia, of whom he has been distanced for years. "The Fat", as everybody calls him in Punta del Este, openly re…
  • 本片是波兰女导演雅库波夫斯卡(1907-1998)根据个人在奥斯维辛的经历改编的电影,也是最早记录大屠杀的电影作品之一,由于拍摄年份较早,电影大部分是在奥斯维辛被毁改建纪念馆之前实地拍摄。雅库波夫斯卡也在其中加入了自己的电影语言。本片荣获首届卡罗维发利电影节最佳影片奖,并获1950年英国电影学院奖最佳影片提名。
  • 一个大航展的前几个星期,一个年轻的SU-27战斗机准备一个骑士的飞机竞争。 但战斗机忘记时,爱上了迷人的光芒飞机雷电,不知道它是一个真正的残忍和邪恶的助理给雷霆战机类。 年轻的SU-27必须设法消灭的邪恶计划的迅雷,最重要的是赢得了骑士航展。
  • This children’s film tells about a little schoolgirl who was always late to school and about her school friends who found a clever and original method to cure her of the habit to be late.
  • 一部大胆描写人与马之间七情六欲的奇作,1993年戛纳最佳技术贡献大奖得主。 法国1993年巴塔巴斯(Bartabas)执导的电影处女作,描写人与马之间的情感,甚至大胆暗示人马之间的七情六欲,1993年在戛纳电影节放映大受争议,最后该片亦获得戛纳电影节技术贡献大奖的殊荣!
  • One of the 5 best Latin American Films of this decade, a powerful story about life, death and find or lose a reason to live, a style of filmmaking at that time original, until Quentin Tarantino impact the world with the golden palm winner "Pulp Fiction", 4 stories that are link each other with powerful and co…
  • 《MY LIFE AND TIMES WITH ANTONIN ARTAUD 》以阿尔托被朋友和追随者从精神病院援救出来后,他生命里最后一段岁月的生活为蓝本,而Sami Frey对艺术家的演绎让人惊异。忧郁的黑白影象回照了二战后的巴黎复苏时的美。
  • The life of the great Bolshevik leader before the Russian revolution is chronicled in this bio-pic. Much of the tale centers on his exile in Poland where Lenin becomes friends with two peasants. The little girl has a strong belief in the nationalist cause. Later Lenin hears she was killed for withholding information ab…