- Morishita, a temp worker at an automobile factory, lives with his wife and daughter. His job contract is cut due to the coronavirus pandemic and he loses his job. His wife wants a divorce, and he is evicted from the company residence, leaving him with no choice but to start living in a storage room. 自動車工場の派遣社員・森下は妻と娘の3…
- 這是奧特曼歐布起源的故事。\r\n 遙遠銀河彼方的惑星 O-50(O-Fifty)―\r\n 好不容易才走到在那秘境上聳立的「戰士之顛」的2位青年,凱(石黒英雄)及Jagras Juggler(青柳尊哉),向能夠看清擁有優秀資質之人並授予成為「光之戰士」力量的眩光伸手。光選擇了凱,得到聖劍Orb Caliber的凱成為了奧特曼歐布。\r\n 凱及Juggler為…