- A film director seeks out his childhood friend who molested him when they were both children. He hesitantly agrees to meet and together they return to the repressed past in a brave and deeply unusual tale that breaks a terrible taboo. Director Anders Skovbjerg Jepsen tries to understand what really happened during the…
- Mega Stories presents the stories of non-binary people, people whose gender identity is outside the binary gender. Those who embraced and expressed with too much courage the experience of their gender, claiming its free expression.
- 120秒という短い時間の中で、日常のさまざまな感動があふれ出す瞬間を切り取る本作。長年連れ添った夫婦の結婚記念日や、少し世話焼きな姉と素直になれない妹、1人暮らしの娘とその姿を優しく見守る母の物語など、ありふれた日常の一場面が映し出される。
- 由连续并相互构陷的恐怖元素和花絮构成。此次《恐怖故事3》跨越时间将故事呈现,“过去”设置在恐怖故事“狐狸窟”,“现在”聚焦在路怒症Road Rage,“未来”段落围绕人工智能“机械力”。向观众展现不同的元素,释放不同恐怖刺激时本片的内容和目标。
- 食死徒开始肆无忌惮横行于麻瓜和魔法两个世界中,霍格沃茨内忧外患,危机重重。邓不利多带着哈利辗转找到隐居多年的霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩,请他出山接替斯内普担任魔药学的老师。霍拉斯曾经教授过无数优秀的学生,而汤姆·里德尔——伏地魔——正是他最出色的一名弟子。邓不利多深信霍拉斯保有伏地魔不死身的秘密,他希望哈利能够说服霍拉斯。另一…