搜索 Torres

  • 任何事情都有可能出错:战争,恐怖主义,自然灾害。从城市撤离了难民营周围县市。在战争,饥荒和疾病打击的幸存者。现在,二十年后,炸弹落和瘟疫,过了少数几个仍然生活在恐惧和没有希望的。该岛的明星莎拉在后世界末日的童话故事,一个年轻女人的旅程将在15年内第一个孩子出世。莎拉拒绝放弃的灵感在她的广播一个孤独的声音。迈克尔广播模糊和…
  • 剧情介绍:1910年,在巴西的马腊尼昂,心智有些“走火入魔的”瓦斯科买下了远方的一大片荒漠,他希望过上远离文明社会的生活,终生与沙丘作伴。在瓦斯科的一味坚持下,尚在怀孕的妻子阿丽娅和阿丽娅的母亲玛丽亚也不得不跟随搬迁到那片人烟稀少的荒漠。生活刚刚安顿下来,一群黑人便造访了这里,他们打算抢劫瓦斯科,瓦斯科只好用自己的部分家当…
  • 有意思的巴西儿童片,可能算不上经典,但很好看。。。Three prankish little boys try to discover if they are, as their angry parents use to say, three living "demons". Os Tres Zuretas is a great surprise. I used to see this tape on the shelves of…
  • 由巴西著名导演Walter Lima编导的《牡蛎与风的故事》是一部以魔幻现实主义手法讲述人性情感的剧情片,本片获得当年威尼斯电影节的CinemAvvenire奖,被巴西影评人学会评选为1990-1999年十佳电影之一。A fantasy/mystery about the disappearance of a lighthouse owner and his daughter. This film t…
  • For Joseph, a young lawyer from Manhattan, his first excursion to Fire Island is far from what he had in mind. Looking for a good time, he finds the infamous island on its off-season, with nary a hot guy in sight. Things start to look up when he meets a handsome stranger, but Joseph’s luck goes from bad to worse when h…
  • 恐怖片
    A successful single mother's carefree sister reappears out of the blue one day to stay with her and her teenage daughter.
  • 成長總叫人迷茫。生活在巴黎的葡裔少女Pamela,正站在人生的十字路口,面對青春中許多矛盾和失敗,總覺得提不起勁。家人雖然有愛,但她卻認為自己令他們失望。一次回鄉之旅,Pamela由城市回歸葡萄牙的鄉村小鎮,慢慢重新找到生活的勇氣。擅於描寫女性的法國導演Laurence Ferreira Barbosa,以這個溫暖細膩的故事,探討少女成長的困惑。
  • I am the double of the shadow of my own image. An allegory that occupies my place. This is my act of contrition. Beyond good and evil, I stand as an equation: Its result cannot be manipulated By morals or ethics. In mathematics there is no place for beliefs Just as life and death Are a certain fate.
  • 剧情片