- While vacationing on the Greek "Isle of Love", a repressed thirty-year-old Stefania reluctantly plays chaperon to her precocious fourteen-year-old niece, Meggy, who plans to lose her virginity before the summer is over. Unbeknownst to Stefania, Meggy's "chosen" man is Stefania's ex-boyfriend. Amidst…
- Cannes Directors Fortnight project Directors Factory Philippines has wrapped filming in the Shrine City of the Philippines called Dapitan. It is historically known as the place where Filipino national hero Jose Rizal was exiled by the Spanish colonial authorities for his threat to start revolutionary activities. It is …
- 知名製藥公司-泰達羅斯(Daidalos)的總部發生了一場爆炸案,一個少年被困在崩落的鋼架中無法脫身,生命危在旦夕。此時,在以不追究無照醫療行為的條件下,黑傑克進行了一場任誰都無法想像的「外科手術」… 同一災難引發了另一場悲劇:一位母親身受重傷而全身癱瘓,為了不拖累子女,她找來有「死神化身」之稱的奇利柯醫生以求安樂死。另一方面,…
- Gordon Buchanan travels to three remote tribes to learn the wildlife secrets of people who live alongside the iconic and dangerous animals we fear the most.
- Contestants in the game move into a majestic castle and work as a team to complete a series of dramatic and challenging missions to earn money for the prize pot. Some contestants are traitors some are loyal.