- It's 1927 and Prohibition is the law of the land. For Rocky, Freckle and Ivy, the night shifts are never dull. LACKADAISY, based on a comic series by Tracy J. Butler, was directed by Fable Siegel, produced by Iron Circus Animation, and made by a crew of more than 160 skilled artists across the world. The project was f…
- NBC在新季展示会结束后宣布追加预订一部新剧--由英国剧集《Luther》的创作人Neil Cross及其创作团队打造的海盗剧《骷髅旗》(Crossbones)。这是一部动作冒险剧集,但剧情也会谈论一个没有答案的道德问题:在那个没有法纪的年代里,究竟烧杀掳掠的海盗是坏人,还是冷血无情的英国王室是坏人?据称NBC已经预订该剧10集,拍摄工作将于秋季启动…