- Its a comedy film about onion (kaanda) were kidnapping took place in city and kidnapper demands a truck of kaanda from parents and the time kidnapper receives the truck, parallely the price of kaanda has a huge down fall. With the heavy heart he goes to take a glance of the truck, "shockingly" he realizes tha…
- Virginia was an 18 year old horror star, the queen of the b-movie starlets. But when she walked off the set of "The Evil Bed 2: Nude By Dawn" finally refusing to do the very nude scenes that made her famous, her career went with her.3 years later Virginia became a local Ohio horror host and underground filmma…
- 故事是关于一位理性主义的摩登藏族创业青年丹增,他一心想开出一家尼泊尔最棒的咖啡馆。正当他全力以赴地追求他的梦想时,丹增突然被一些反复出现的诡异恶梦和幻觉纠缠,他的朋友和预言者都警告这是死亡临头的噩兆。得道的先知和古籍建议,只有找到一位空行母才能拯救他的性命,否则将在七日内丧生。丹增将这些预言和建议视做愚蠢的迷信。但无论…