搜索 Tull

  • 1942年的春天,苏军女狙击手米拉中尉,奉命从前线回到后方女子狙击手培训学校任教官, 培训结束后,米拉中尉带领学员乘火车赶往前线。途中,火车遭遇伪装成苏军的德军突击队袭击,米拉中尉与六名幸存者开始寻找目标狙击敌人
  • 定制版瘦身食谱
    Dr Chris van Tulleken and Prof Tanya Byron team up with scientists from Oxford and Cambridge universities to see if they can help 75 overweight members of the public win their battle with weight loss.Each dieter undergoes a series of scientific tests to find out the main reason for why they put on weight. The constant …
  • 请相信我我是医生第一季
  • 无拘无束第一季
  • 你家还是我家
    <你家还是我家>根据同名以色列热门喜剧改编,是一部非常经典的家庭喜剧。据称该剧是以色列当年排名第一的喜剧,一共播了50集。很多人都说:「如果你嫁给(迎娶)某个人,你嫁(娶)的不止是他(她)一个人,而是他(她)的一大家子。」本剧的主人公Oliver(Kyle Howard)和Kelli(Kat Foster)很好地诠释了这句话的含义。该剧每一集将单独…
  • From the Emmy Award winning Creator/Director J.J. Johnson , Endlings is a sci-fi action adventure series about four foster kids who come together to save fantastical creatures from across the galaxy who are just like them: alone.
  • 生命博物馆
    主持人吉米·多尔蒂走进英国自然历史博物馆的幕后,与博物馆工作人员进行近距离交流,探索该馆浩瀚藏品的秘密。博物馆幕后是如何运作的?为何要保存7000万余件标本?馆中科学家们的研究工作,与当今世界有何关联?他们为保护生物多样性、防止热带传染病,又做出了何种贡献?共六集:1. Museum in a Modern World.现代世界的博物馆2. Dig…
  • 地平线系列冠状病毒特别节目
    In just over 100 days, a new coronavirus has taken an unprepared world by storm, infiltrating every corner of the globe, sending entire nations into lockdown, killing thousands and infecting countless more. Across the world, governments are scrambling to react, hospitals are struggling to cope and an increasingly anxio…
  • 古怪故事
    "Twisted Tales" Is A Dark And Stylish Comedy Drama Series. With Intense scripts Written By A Mix Of Established Writers And Upcoming Talent, Each Story Is A Self-Contained Episode With A Mysterious Twist. The Tales Set Out To Spook The Brain And Tickle The Funny Bone, So Be Prepared To Expect The Unexpected.T…
  • BBC地平线阻止男性自杀
    Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK - causing more deaths in this group than car accidents, and even more than cancer. This means that the most likely thing to kill Dr Xand Van Tulleken is himself. And he wants to know why.In this sensitive film, Xand finds out what we know about why people develop …