- 秋天来了。秋名86改装了涡轮增压引擎并击败了秋山涉之后的某一天,高桥凉介突然来访,并向拓海提出了加盟的邀请,希望能集合群马县的高手,向全国的山路进行挑战,拓海犹豫着,并没有马上答应高桥凉介的邀请,他觉得在自己还有其它的一些事情需要解决。首先,拓海前往日光,挑战帝皇队的须藤京一,进行了激烈的比赛,在那曲折迂回的伊波吕山道上…
- Ananda Majumdar, a wealthy, retired industrialist, suddenly falls ill during a ceremony in honor of his seventieth birthday. Three of his sons rush immediately to his bedside. The fourth son, Proshanto, already lives with his father. Considered the family failure, he spends his time listening to music and is considered…
- Several murders have taken place through out the city of Kolkata. A Serial killer is believed to be responsible. The mods operandi being that the killer always caries out the murder according to verses in Bengali poetry. He leaves behind the verses next to the victim. The police are baffled. There lead detective strugg…