- A subway station somewhere in the Northwestern hemisphere. Rush hour. An unattended baggage catches the attention of the passengers. Moments of insecurity pass. All of a sudden, a mass panic breaks out in the moving crowds. The stampede leaves its survivors perplexed: Was the bomb only ticking in their minds?
- A film about several persons shown in different constellations talking to each other about their inner feelings, relationship problems, future plans, and so on. As the original title ("My slow life") indicates, it is a very slow film with hardly any action at all, more a sequence of still photographs than a m…
- 4 Single Fathers is the story of four Italian men living in one of the greatest cities on earth, New York. After falling in love with American women, moving to Manhattan, having children and expecting to live the American dream, these men end up divorced and living a harsh reality. Single fatherhood, ex-wives, girlfrie…
- 導演於2002-2005年間,在世界各地幾個城市中,用DV攝影機每分鐘紀錄半秒鐘的畫面,再把拍攝每個城市的畫面剪接成一分鐘的影片,藉此呈現該城市變遷的過程。本屆影展節選出三個城市的影像:德國柏林、奧地利林茲、南非約翰尼斯堡,在其中可見柏林的新興高樓建築、以及南非種族隔離政策之後約翰尼斯堡的轉變。