- 以导演崔维斯威克尔森的家族秘辛出发,探索1946年祖父枪杀非裔美国人的真相,同时叩问集体失忆的国家历史,再创转型正义议题的另一经典之作。从外曾祖父枪杀黑人的故事开始,导演踏上回访70年前凶案与家丑的公路之旅。然而资料佚失、相关人士记忆拼凑扑朔迷离,奔波在大城小镇之间,遭遇重重困难与疑云,恰巧勾勒出美国数十年来黑权运动的未竟之…
- Diane| a single overworked mom of two from LA| inherits a house in rural South Carolina where she must live for a year. She and her daughters will be forced to slowdown and learn how to enjoy country life as they start to mend their relationships. Just when life becomes more simple| Diane runs into Luke| her first love…