搜索 Valentine

  • 1990年6月,外省城市的一所高中。学期结束前的最后一天,一伙毕业班的学生兴高采烈地离开学校。在周围的起哄声中,卢卡斯倒空了自己的书包,跑到怀恨已久的哲学老师面前大放厥词,直言不讳地宣泄自己的不满。数秒的得意之后,他被告知,这位讨人厌的马蒂诺先生最后将坐镇他的补考口试……卢卡斯无奈只得用功备考。 当晚的一个派对上,卢卡斯遇见…
  • Greg Davies hosts from the London Palladium in the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The star-studded spectacular features music by Take That, Rick Astley, George Ezra, Sigrid, Andrea & Matteo Bocelli and cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason, and show-stopping numbers from the cast of the award-winning Hamilton and Tin…
  • In a remote farm, Raymonde lives a solitary life. She takes care of her garden, raises rabbits, but loneliness weighs on her. She asks herself questions about the meaning of things, about God, about her tardy virginity. Now, Raymonde feels an immense desire to live rising within her ...
  • 为纪念经典音乐剧《音乐之声》在百老汇首演56周年、电影版《音乐之声》上映50周年,英国独立电视台itv在2015年12月20日播出其制作的《音乐之声》电视直播版。
  • Joey hears about a really hot bike mechanic named Sebastian, who services all types of bodies - metal and human. The two gingers are in for a kinky lesson about tightening tension, with a big reward at the end. You will know how to fix a bicycle derailleur by the time you're done jacking to this surreal flick. Starring…
  • 剧情片剧情
    面临中年危机的Perry(Billie Joe Armstrong饰)身为一位丈夫和父亲,迎来了自己的四十岁生日。他决定在Drake酒店的总统套房里举办一个奢侈的聚会来重温自己年轻时的朋克摇滚时光。在那里他遇到了美丽的前女友和曾经的乐队队员,好戏正在悄然上演。
  • 剧情片喜剧
  • 黑蝎女侠
    黑蝎女侠是和蜘蛛侠、超人以及蝙蝠侠同一阵营的超级女英雄她美丽性感,才智过人,武功高强,身怀绝技白天的时候,黑蝎女侠化身为Darcy,一名女警官,飞驰在白色的雪佛莱上每当夜色降临 ,她便恢复本色,那辆白色雪佛莱也变成了蝎型战车,从动力到装备均为未来科技的火箭战车和其他漫画中的男性超级英雄们一样,迎击邪恶势力的黑蝎女侠也有强烈的…