- This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour , poignancy, and a frequent breaking of the 4th wall between the movie and the audience . It also features some songs by Novella Matveyeva, a famou…
- 在某旅游胜地的一所普通疗养院里,每逢休假的黄金季节,每天傍晚都由院方组织休假者在一所小公园里开展文体活动。主持人柳德米拉·巴什科娃和老搭档塔吉娅娜·彼德罗芙娜在这小公园的简易舞台上主持传统的保留节目,一种竞赛表演活动。在座的观众,凡勇敢者,无论男女老幼均有资格登台参加竞争,节目自选,样式、内容不限。全权评委由塔吉娅娜一…
- A practical joke ends up very wrong in Nigina Sayfullaevas curious youth drama. Two seventeen year old Moscow girls, Olya and Sasha, are visiting Olya's long lost father who lives in Crimea, when they decide to switch places and pretend to be the other person to the father. Little do they know that their joke comes wit…
- In the evening, several Pomor men have brought in their boats for the day and are relaxing in a fishermen's hut by the light of a kerosene lamp. The eldest of them tells them that "there has been so much untruth told about our region" that he wants to set the record straight and tell the whole truth and nothi…