- The CSI team investigates a well-orchestrated bombing at the funeral of Officer Franklin Clark.
- 美国黑社会某派认定小马与帮派头目之死有直接关系,制定以华制华的计策,安排小马的旧相识阿龙回港,设计陷害小马。小马与阿龙重逢在香港,意气用事的小马陷入了前女友阿莲和阿龙设下的圈套,答应与阿莲偿还赌债,阿龙游说小马一起出千骗外国赌客,而所谓的外国赌客其它是美国帮会派来配合阿龙的爪牙。小马中计,欠下大笔赌债,一愁莫汉展。阿龙…
- Two Vegas strippers witness two gangsters murder one of their boyfriends in the parking lot at the end of their shift. The gangsters want to silence them, so they flee town... with the gangsters in chase.
- Set in the 70's, a centuries-old cult known as the "Inverts" kidnap four sin bearing individuals against their will to recruit for the holy war against the second coming of Christ. From a homosexual hippie, prostitute druggie, man in drag, and a pedofilic priest...they're all deemed to be choice victims to in…