搜索 Verso

  • Salvatore is a young orphan, living in Sicily with his little sister and his grandmother; after loosing his father in a tragic way he quits school and starts working as a fisherman and a farmer in order to support his little family. The Social Services soon discover the situation and resolve to put Salvatore in an orph…
  • In a poor village by the Manila Bay breakwater, two brothers, Buboy and Basilio, come to the city to escape from the violence at home. They meet a prostitute named Pakita and become close with her when Basilio treats her wounds. All they want is to lead normal lives, but the town’s leader Dave has knavish interruptions…
  • 根据阿加莎·克里斯蒂同名小说《啤酒谋杀案》改编而成。   14年前,画家艾米亚斯(Aidan Gillen饰)中毒身亡,妻子卡罗琳(Rachael Stirling饰)则以谋杀罪被判绞刑。14年后,他们的女儿路希找到大侦探波洛(David Suchet饰),恳请他调查这桩案件的真相——路希相信母亲绝不可能谋杀了父亲。事过境迁,一切罪证业已湮灭无踪,波洛找到了当初…
  • 科幻片
    是Drew Daywalt 为美国Syfy电视台拍的电视电影。An evil leprechaun who has been imprisoned within the roots of a majestic old oak tree, is accidentally set loose on St. Patrick's Day. Once free, he takes out his bloody revenge on the descendants of t…
  • 一个马戏团演员成为了一个芭蕾舞演员,然后开始了她的职业生涯,与婚姻和家庭生活。她嫁给了她的第一任丈夫,她的导师和导师,主要是出于感激。在他死后,她嫁给了一个美国人,认为她可以逃离芭蕾舞界。但她还是让他回去跳舞。她有一个孩子,但没有告诉她的丈夫。当她的女儿两岁时,丈夫发现并带着孩子去了美国。这位芭蕾舞女演员继续跳舞,直到…
  • 这是一部关于乔伊的故事。乔伊,一个非常热爱斗鸡(斗鸡在菲律宾是最流行的消遣活动)的一个演员。当乔伊的最佳斗鸡输给一个未知的品名蔚“prinsipe sabong”的斗鸡时,他非常的疯狂和生气。并且热切的希望知道prinsipe sabong 的下落。后来,他离开了这个舞台。他决定回国,同时寻找那只斗鸡。有人传言它被饲养在他的家乡。但是没有人可以肯定…
  • 为了潜心学习研究,国王和他的同伴发誓三年不近女色。不料他们的志存高远马上就要经受严峻的考验:法国的公主与其女伴就在来的路上。