- Clarisse遇到了一位年轻的外科医生Marc。她在他的豪宅里度过了这个夜晚。早上,她意识到自己已经被愚弄了。她现在违背了她的意愿。马克强迫她扮演他已故妻子的角色。手术后,他给了她一个新的脸。克拉丽丝变成了埃莱娜。但是我们可以轻易抹去身份吗?
- The seventh season of RuPaul's Drag Race will begin airing on March 2, 2015.Returning judges include RuPaul and Michelle Visage, while the space previously occupied by Santino Rice will be filled by new additions Ross Mathews and Carson Kressley.Shawn Morales, a member of the Pit Crew since Season 3, does not appear th…
- He goes by the names of Alexandre, Ricardo or Daniel. He calls himself a surgeon or an engineer, Argentinean or Brazilian. He lives with four women at the same time, adapting his story and even his personality traits to each one. A first-person investigation with the help of a private detective on a fraud with a thousa…
- 剧情简介:加害人与受害者可以共处一室敞开心扉吗?教化和治愈可以同时进行吗?我们需要这种修复式司法吗?因为起诉哥哥强奸而众叛亲离的妹妹在哥哥出狱后要如何面对这一切呢?这是一次充满人文关怀却不煽情的的现代影像沉浸式体验,你不需要相信加害人能够与受害者共情,也不需要探讨加害人是否真正能有悔过之心,因为对受害者而言,就算是瞬间…