搜索 Voldstedlund

  • When Mette and her father are left alone over the Christmas holidays to paint the new nursery the father ends up alone most of the time. The 16-year-old Mette is always off with her friends at the disco or skating, and the father does not mind until he discovers that young Jønne has taken some semi-nude photos of Mette…
  • 牧师安德里听从旅馆服务生尤根的建议,参加了当地夜校开办的意大利语课程,认识了班上一位在蛋糕店工作的叫奥利皮娅的女孩,两人互相之间产生了好感。女孩原本跟父亲同住,不久后父亲过世了,刚办完父亲的丧事,她就接到奇怪的通知,要她出席从未谋面的母亲的丧礼。在丧礼上,女孩发现镇上的女理发师凯伦原来就是她失散多年的亲姐姐。凯伦当初照…