- WH Auden In A New Age Of Anxiety examines why Auden's poetry still shines through in the 21st century.Thirty years after his BBC film The Auden Landscape, director Adam Low returns to the poet and his work.Following surges of popularity - from featuring in Four Weddings And A Funeral to being the poet New Yorkers turne…
- 《单身男子》的作者、英国当代文学大师克里斯托弗·艾什伍德在二战后开始定居美国。48岁的他在洛杉矶遇见了18岁绘画男孩唐·贝查迪,尽管同性恋在那个年代不被认可,但他们勇敢的相爱,并且坚持公开了这份感情。30岁的年龄差距不能冷却爱情,但它却带来额外的困扰。唐时常感受到来自克里斯托弗名人朋友们的怀疑和轻视的目光。作为名不见经传的画…