搜索 Walls

  • t's a collection of images from a genocide forgotten. A period of history seldom studied. Faces never seen before."Night of the Khmer Rouge: Genocide and Justice in Camodia" is the Paul Robeson Gallery's latest exhibit and is a vivid image of torture, victims and perpetrators.The selected images are from the …
  • Dresden takes on a case pro bono after a woman coming to him for help is killed in front of him, but the investigation leads to dark magic and more death.
  • 天寒地冻的北部城市网走,是一个人烟罕至之地,也是许多囚犯服刑的地方。年青的黑帮成员橘真一(高倉健 饰)因砍伤敌对帮派老大而被遣送于此。生长在南国的真一并不适应网走的严寒,此外同住一个牢房的强盗权田权三(南原宏治 饰)及以老大自居的依田(安部徹 饰)还经常找他的麻烦。真一忍气吞声,指望尽早出狱回到母亲(風見章子 饰)身边。他…
  • 恐怖片悬疑
    公元2035年,人类被12只猴子军研制的一种病毒侵袭,大部分人类都在这场病毒灾难中死亡,只有少数人侥幸逃生,但也只能在阴暗的地下,苟且偷生。  科学家们决定派人穿越时光回到1996年追查12只猴子军的来历。囚徒詹姆斯•科尔(布鲁斯•威利斯BruceWillis饰)被挑选为志愿者。阴差阳错,科尔回到了1990年,当他向当时的人们描述未来的那场大灾难…
  • Meg Alexander and her groom to be Derrick Logan prepare for their wedding day, but as their big day gets closer, paranormal activities soon start when Meg brings her dead mother's wedding dress into their home.
  • TheWallSeason1
    The Wall is 4 stories high and "can change lives". The game is played by two people together. The first portion of the game is Freefall. Contestants must answer questions before balls complete their free fall down the Wall - correct responses earn prize money (green ball), incorrect answers result in prize mo…
  • 香港剧年代
    故事发生在五十年代末的九龙城寨,左勾拳(陈展鹏 饰)和段迎风(袁伟豪 饰)的父亲均为名震千里的八极拳宗师,哪知道一场阴谋使得段迎风失去了父亲,而左勾拳的父亲则沦为了杀人凶手含冤自尽,左勾拳亦因此和妹妹失散,离开了九龙城寨,前往澳门谋生。一晃眼十五年过去,已经长大成人的左勾拳回到了九龙城寨这片伤心地,只为了寻找妹妹的下落,…