搜索 Weil

  • On October 31, 2018, two preteens in a small town accidentally awaken an evil that has lain dormant for decades. They are forced to survive through a terrifying Halloween night of...
  • 纪录片
    Science fiction has long anticipated the rise of machine intelligence. Today, a new generation of self-learning computers is reshaping every aspect of our lives. Incomprehensible amounts of data are being collected, interpreted, and fed back to us in a tsunami of apps, smart devices, and targeted advertisements. Virtua…
  • 国产剧青春
  • Greg Rosen is an Ivy League grad with an MBA and a huge chip on his shoulder. A life on the fast track landed him a high-paying job in Miami's financial district - all part of the 'plan'. Cue the recession...Greg loses it all: his job, his car, his condo, his girlfriend and his self respect. Flat broke, unemployable an…
  • Le Petit Journal est une émission de télévision d’infotainment diffusée sur la chaîne de télévision française Canal depuis 2004.En Belgique et au Luxembourg, elle est diffusée sur Be 1.Présentée par Yann Barthès depuis 2004, d'abord so…
  • 每一个破裂的家庭,都有一段不堪回首的过去。恬静自然的公园内,男孩和宠物小狗快乐玩耍,而后面则跟着一头身穿连衣裙、体型庞大的怪兽。那是男孩的母亲,因离婚而变得精神恍惚,无心家事,脾气自然如狰狞的外貌一般阴晴不定。男孩不得已只能承担起他和母亲的吃穿用度,当然这也并非全无好处,进了超市他可以随便选择喜欢的糖果,而不会被母亲碎…
  • 动作片动作
    OREN a skateboarder in a Dystopia future, comes into self discovery that he is the descendant of a Greek God and is plunged into a battle with a Gothicized Fallen society that wants to turn the outside world into hell on earth.
  • 一对年轻的美国夫妇游览到某葡萄庄园,园主的女儿为他们讲述该庄园一段充满历史、传奇、悬疑、爱情而又黑暗的故事。智利影片虽然在世界电影的版图中占据不了什么位置,本片也是导演詹姆斯·卡茨的长片处女作,但他却有着雄心勃勃的视野,将鬼怪、凶杀等元素悉数囊括在影片中,而葡萄庄园美丽的田园风光,也恰好与传奇往事中黑暗、诡异的基调形成…