- 1991年,甲壳虫乐队中最具作曲才华的保罗·麦卡特尼推出了他的第一部古典音乐作品——《利物浦清唱剧》,该作也是为了庆贺利物浦爱乐乐团建团150周年而作,1991年6月在利物浦大教堂隆重首演,成为轰动一时的媒体事件。麦卡特尼本人未参演,但邀请了歌剧界一流明星参与,女高音特·卡娜娃、男高音杰瑞·哈德雷与男中低音威拉德·怀特。《利物浦清…
- Gilles and Martin, two European friends, are travelling in a deserted area of Argentina. But an old local belief is bothering Martin. It is about a woman called “La Difunta Correa”, who was found dead of thirst in the desert. Her baby was still nursing at her breast. He decides to offer their unique bottle of water to …