搜索 Willie

  • Bringing his unique sense of humor to this bizarre and original piece of moviemaking, Tom Waits takes the audience through a musical journey with his jazzy, quirky, bluesy tunes presented as you would never, ever, ever expect.
  • 在密西西比三角洲的北上歌手中,嚎狼可以说是与马迪.沃特斯难分伯仲的歌手,他们曾是城市电声蓝调的先驱。嚎狼身材高大,气势磅礴,有着无与伦比的洪厚嗓音,对几代摇滚歌手产生了持久的影响——这一切都体现在90分钟的影片中。我们不仅可以了解到他的生平(童年的艰辛、作为乐手的奉献、作为父亲和丈夫的忠诚),我们还可以从总体上了解的蓝调历…
  • Michael Langdon, Jr.执导的这部片子改编自Janette Oke的浪漫西部小说,讲述了一对年轻夫妻Missie (Erin Cottrell) 和Willie (Logan Bartholomew)离开他们热爱的家园,前往西部去开始一段新的生活,沿途必须忍受的苦难将考验他们彼此之间的爱情和对上帝的忠诚。
  • 香港电影《大乡里》由欢乐影业公司于1974年出品。该片改编自马师曾主演的舞台名剧,由杨权执导,有谭炳文 李香琴 沈殿霞 潘迎紫 葛小宝 伊雷 谢贤 黄霑 尤芷韵 陈鸿烈 柯俊雄等领衔主演。
  • The relationship between an aspiring sculptor and struggling young chef in New York falters when they become entangled with older benefactors to further their careers.
  • In THE IRISH PUB, we meander across Ireland from Connemara to Carlow, from Monaghan to West Cork, from Louth to Limerick, from conversation to captivating conversation. THE IRISH PUB is also a look at Ireland and who we are as a people. The history of Ireland, characters, song, music, anecdotes, politics, sport, religi…
  • 在一次意外中,他的狗被当地收容所当作流浪狗抓走,收容所要求他必须交纳50美元的保证金才能将狗领走,为了能尽早赚到足够的钱,老演员只得重操旧业在街头表演踢踏舞。在表演中,他结识了年轻且会吹口琴的流浪汉Jim(大卫·索尔扮演),Jim被老演员的才华吸引,想要拜他为师学习踢踏舞,从而在百老汇闯出一片天地,老演员深知Jim的梦想很天真,…
  • 爵士百年
    這個系列是在探索美國主要的音樂生態的歷史.我們追溯到音樂在美國文化的發展,他在1920年代至1940年代中期這段黃金時期的流行達至巔峰,無論是在他原始的形式和當時流行的韻律或是現代新音樂形式的流行. 在這段期間的沿革,我們聽到了這些對音樂有主要貢獻的音樂家和他們的作品,像是 Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington,Billie Ho…
  • 美国史诗
    AMERICAN EPIC takes us on a journey across time to the birth of modern music, when the musical strands of a diverse nation first combined, sparking a cultural renaissance that forever transformed the future of music and the world.
  • 玛泽回来了
    Muzzy the friendly green clock-eating monster from outer space returns for more adventures with his friends in Gondoland. Everyone expects him and King Nigel with Queen Ezra decide to make a ball for Amanda's christain . Meanwhile, Corvax invents an invisibility device and with the help of a servant named Thimbo a Thie…