- 伊拉克战争时期,来自美国德州的19岁技术兵比利·林恩因为一段偶然拍摄的视频而家喻户晓。那是一次规模不大却激烈非常的遭遇战,战斗中林恩所在的B班班长遭到当地武装分子的伏击和劫持,而林恩为了营救班长不惜铤而走险冲锋陷阵。视频公布于世让他成为全美民众所崇拜的英雄,然而却鲜有人理解他和战友们所经历的一切。为了安葬班长,B班得到了短…
- Curly Oxide was the stage name of the young Hasidic Jew who wandered into a Brooklyn bar where Vic Thrill and The Rev. Vince Anderson played their barbaric folk and gospel music. Thrill struck up a conversation and a mutual interest in music led Thrill to invite his new friend to visit his nearby gas station home/recor…
- 又名: 隐秘之爱之情迷风尘该剧,单集片长: 110分钟,讲述了男主角在分手的时候遇到了刚好也在分手的女主角,但是因为女的文化水平和工资都比他高,这俩很快就在一起了,正当要结婚的时候被周围的朋友说他是小白脸,然后故事就开始了……by:www.qimiyingshi.net